View joke - Whenever I get mad at you, you never seem to get upset. How do you manage to control your temper? - I just go and lean to toilet. - How does that help? -I use your toothbrush.
Whenever I get mad at you, you never seem to get upset. How do you manage to control your temper? - I just go and lean to toilet. - How does that help? -I use your toothbrush.
Moral of the picture. Friends may not be able to pull you up. But they will still think of ways to not let you fall.
Gollum cat wants his precious
My cat and dog meeting for the first time. Good dog, good dog ! No bites, okay?
Are you sure, Pete... I could swear mom said the best candy came from the Schmidt house.
Hey, babe. I'm in hospital. I got my leg injured at work and Paula brought me here. Doctors say I might lose my leg. -Who is Paula?
You are sleeping on the couch tonight, Mr President.