View joke - Is that a kitten ? It hates everything. Watch out
Is that a kitten ? It hates everything. Watch out
Whenever I get mad at you, you never seem to get upset. How do you manage to control your temper? - I just go and lean to toilet. - How does that help? -I use your toothbrush.
They know what they are waiting for
Cat says she was pushed. Or was she ?
Spoons don't actually sound like airplanes ?
I don't stop eating when I'm full. The meal isn't over when I'm full. The meal is over when I hate myself.
I bet you don't want to be her next ex
- Mom, had you had a lot of boyfriends ? - Eh, I guess so. But I broke up with nearly all of them. So, that made me think maybe I don't like men. Maybe I like women. But then I realized... I don't like anyone ! Your father and I hate people together.