View joke - Housewife of the year. Not really, dude. Not really.
Housewife of the year. Not really, dude. Not really.
What is she cooking? Rachael Ray finds inspiration in cooking her family and her dog.
Cowboy and the chemist. Cowboy: Give me three packs of them there condoms. Chemist: Will you be needing a bag, Sir ? Cowboy: Nope, she ain't that ugly !
This is how I protect my virginity
How I think I look when I'm jogging
Running to get some exercise. How it should be: 2 minutes warm-up, 40 minutes running. How it really is: 2 minutes running, 40 minutes trying to catch up my breath while I accept the fact that I'll be the first one to die if a zombie apocalypse comes
Dogs, sometimes they fail to. At least he tried.